齋藤 春佳
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I mostly create works as pieces of visual art. Sometimes I create works representing tasting, such as food, as well as listening or touching, but when I create, I usually expect my work will be appreciated visually, regardless of the distinction between paintings or spatial works.
The juice in this painting is an image. But the juice you are looking at really exists. The stars wee see from the earth, the ridges of mountains, the horizon and other phenomena are so distant and out of reach. That’s why we can grasp their forms as they are. We cannot grasp the entire shape of the mountain at once, because we are on it. In general, the existence of something depends on our point of our perception.
In other words, if images were unreal, we would not exist in this world perceiving our shapes and forms. Reality is perceived by seeing. Yet, we lose track of our image in a fraction of a second. I want to stay in a world where images remain as they are because I don’t like a world where images vanish in the course of time. My prayer cannot be answered in the existing structure of the world. Therefore, I wonder if my works may change how we perceive the structure of space or not. They may provide us a means to another way. Because I believe my works are an effective way to answer my question, I can create my works anew over and over throughout the course of my life.
The juice in this painting is an image. But the juice you are looking at really exists. The stars wee see from the earth, the ridges of mountains, the horizon and other phenomena are so distant and out of reach. That’s why we can grasp their forms as they are. We cannot grasp the entire shape of the mountain at once, because we are on it. In general, the existence of something depends on our point of our perception.
In other words, if images were unreal, we would not exist in this world perceiving our shapes and forms. Reality is perceived by seeing. Yet, we lose track of our image in a fraction of a second. I want to stay in a world where images remain as they are because I don’t like a world where images vanish in the course of time. My prayer cannot be answered in the existing structure of the world. Therefore, I wonder if my works may change how we perceive the structure of space or not. They may provide us a means to another way. Because I believe my works are an effective way to answer my question, I can create my works anew over and over throughout the course of my life.
- 2009
- 「act」(新宿眼科画廊/東京都)
「今はもう今はなさそう」(東京造形大学内ギャラリー node/東京都)
- 2010
- 「via art 2010」(シンワアートミュージアム/東京都、銀座)
「今、魔物、ノコギリ、リコーダー、あたし、舌、滝、京橋、しろつめくさ、酒場、ばつ、つば、バラ、落馬、バラバラ、乱気流、後ろ、六畳一間、まとも、もしもし、しょうが焼き、霧吹き、消え、絵、遠心力、クレーター、あなた、多面体、今」(GALLERY b. TOKYO/東京都)
- 2011
- 「アートが山をのぼること」(清澄寺・釈迦寺/千葉県)
- 2012
- トーキョーワンダーウォール2011都庁「宝石と眼球が地中で出会ってもまっくら」(東京都庁/東京都)
- 2013
- 「乱反射」(港食堂&ゲストハウスlit/岡山県)
- 2014
- 第2回「メタモルフォーシス展」(ギャラリー82/長野市)
- 2017
- 「飲めないジュースが現実ではないのだとしたら私たちはこの形でこの世界にいないだろう」(埼玉県立近代美術館/埼玉県)
Read in English Text
綿貫 薫 (中野市立博物館)
In the attractiveness of her overlapping of unblended colors
I feel that various motifs look as if they visually overlap each other, like layers, in the works of SAITO Haruka.
It must be fun for her to exchange memories and feelings through dialog with others yet, at the same time, I suppose, she might experience continual frustration because of her inability to grasp something concrete.
Her audiovisual installation, “The Shape of the Shadows are Mountains,” presented in 2017, indeed deals with such memories and feelings as her theme. She incorporates memorized stories handed down from her grandmother in this installation.
At this exhibition of Shinbism, SAITO was assigned a space in front of the visitors’ entrance at the Suzaka Hanga Museum. It is also intriguing to imagine that only a glance of her work at this exhibition will incite viewers, who visit the museum after the completion of this exhibition period, to remember her work vividly anytime, though it is no longer there.
It must be fun for her to exchange memories and feelings through dialog with others yet, at the same time, I suppose, she might experience continual frustration because of her inability to grasp something concrete.
Her audiovisual installation, “The Shape of the Shadows are Mountains,” presented in 2017, indeed deals with such memories and feelings as her theme. She incorporates memorized stories handed down from her grandmother in this installation.
At this exhibition of Shinbism, SAITO was assigned a space in front of the visitors’ entrance at the Suzaka Hanga Museum. It is also intriguing to imagine that only a glance of her work at this exhibition will incite viewers, who visit the museum after the completion of this exhibition period, to remember her work vividly anytime, though it is no longer there.
Watanuki, Kaoru ( )
- 住所
- 〒382-0031
長野県須坂市大字野辺1386-8 (須坂アートパーク内)
- 電話番号
- 026-248-6633
- 開館時間
- 9:00~17:00
- 閉館日
- 水曜休(祝日除く)
「シンビズム2 -信州ミュージアム・ネットワークが選んだ20人の作家たち-」会期中は開館時間、閉館日が通常と異なっております