


西澤 千晴に関する学芸員テキスト

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The Reality of Modern Society Seen from a Bird’s Eye Point of View

NISHIZAWA Chiharu depicts the lives of numerous people who live in the megalopolis of Japan in the 21st Century. There are various kind of models in his art, which include salaried workers, their families, children, and the aspects of society itself. Even though the artist himself is standing in the very heart of his theme, he prefers to work objectively from a lofty, distant angle when he renders his works.
There are countless people packed in this megalopolis. They spend their daily lives indifferently, fraught with the chaos of their dreams and hopes and reality, seemingly unaware of its contradictions. Nishizawa is a unique and rare artist who expresses calmly, but vividly, the joy, sorrow and fate that subsist in current Japanese society.

Ogasawara, Tadashi (Ueda City Museum of Art)