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「シンビズム 信州ミュージアム・ネットワークが選んだ20人の作家たち」展 開催にあたって
Brief Message from the Organizers of the “Shinbism Exhibition – Twenty Artists Selected from the Shinshu Museum Network”
The Nagano Prefectural Agency for Cultural Promotion - a general incorporated foundation - in cooperation with the Nagano Prefectural Government is going to host the first art exhibition jointly planned and produced by the curators having various interests from twenty public and private institutions in the prefecture.
The title of the exhibition, “Shinbism,” stands for “the essence of beauty in the art of Shinshu.” In this case, “shin” - 信 stands for Shinshu (Nagano Prefecture). The “bi” - 美 means beauty or art, and “ism” - イズムconveys “essence or principle.” At the same time, instead of using 信, which is pronounced “shin,” we can replace it with several homonyms having the same sound as “shin,” but differ in meanings in order to elaborate on the meaning of “Shinbism.” Thus, “Shinbi” could be written as 新 美 meaning new, art/beauty, 真美 meaning true, art/beauty, and 親美 meaning accessible, art/beauty. Now, we are endeavoring to extend our unreserved support to the artists, and provide great variety of richer information to all citizens in the prefecture, by raising the motivation and skill of the curators, who worked hard to connect citizens with the artists and their works, and further promote strong networking among museums in Nagano Prefecture.
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長野県芸術監督 多摩美術大学教授
本江 邦夫
監督として私はまず何をすべきなのか? 不意に思いついたのが、小さな美術館の、孤立しがちな学芸員たちが輪になって楽しく踊っている光景でした。ビジョンのようなそれに促されて、長野県側の広範な呼びかけのもとに、こうして有志で形成されたのが、「信州」と「美術」を理念的にとらえる学芸員集団シンビズムです。今回はその第1回目の催し―長野県に縁のある現代作家20名による、4会場同時開催のグループ展です。信州美術の奥深さと輝きを堪能していただき、ふだんは黒子に徹した学芸員たちに温かな励ましの言葉を賜りますれば、監督としてこれにすぎる喜びはありません。どうぞ、よろしくお願いいたします。
In a Circle …
Art Director of Nagano Prefecture, Professor at Tama A rt University
Motoe Kunio
When I was invited to become the Art Director (in charge of Fine Arts) of Nagano Prefecture, I thought, “Perhaps I shouldn’t refuse.” The reason was my sincerely deep affections toward this mountainous prefecture. After I entered university long ago, I made a few close friends there. Two of them were from Nagano Prefecture, one of which was from the city of Nagano, the other was from Iida City. Both were argumentative and had original personalities. I learned from the man from Iida that the song of Nagano Prefecture entitled “Shinano no Kuni” was very long, having a modulation in the middle of the piece. He taught the song to me as well.
One day, in the university co-op shop, I found a flier from the “Student Village” which invited students to spend their summer vacation in plateaux of Shinshu. That summer, I lost weight and looked emaciated because of my gastroptosis. Seeking for the cool, I immediately decided to retreat from Tokyo to Shinshu, and fully enjoyed the summer of plateau there. This experience was addictive and a considerable amount of my undergraduate and graduate summer days were spent there. In those days, it took a long time to travel to Nagano, because there was no Shinkansen. However, I did enjoy what might be called “traveler’s sentiments” instead.
It was in 1976, when I was on the threshold of being a so-called “high-class” idler by lingering over my studies at university, that I found employment at a museum at the age of twenty-eight. Thanks to that museum, I, having been prompted by my curiosity and sense of duty as well, became captivated with what is referred to as “contemporary art,” in which a critical grasp of the human condition, its tradition and conventions, is expressed, though I was simply a student who specialized in post-impressionism until then. To my surprise, in this controversial field, there were many artists from Nagano Prefecture, including the late Tatsuno Toeko, who was from Okaya City. My association with the Komagane Kogen Art Museum, organized by Matsui Kimiko, was also meaningful and unforgettable.
Now, I ask myself what I should endeavor to do first as the Art Director of Nagano Prefecture. Out of the blue came to me a fantastic scene of curators from the small museums, dancing in a circle cheerfully, contrary to the reality that those curators tend to work isolatedly by themselves. Encouraged by this scene, which was like a vision, a curatorial group referred to as “Shinbism,” which endeavors to grasp the essence of “Shinshu” and “Fine Arts” conceptually, was organized by the curators who voluntarily responded to the extensive appeals by the Nagano Prefectural Government. This particular group exhibition, which presents twenty artists associated with Nagano Prefecture, is the first event organized by the group Shinbism, which will be held concurrently at four venues. It will be a great pleasure for me, as the Art Director here in Nagano, that you enjoy the depth and brightness of Fine Arts of Shinshu, and convey your warm regards to the curators, who usually work behind the scenes, just like “Kuroko.”
I sincerely thank you for your attendance.

阿部 守一
Governor of Nagano Prefecture
Abe Morikazu
I would like to express my sincere congratulations to all those who brought together this "Shinbism" exhibition, where local curators are introducing excellent artworks created by the 20 selected contemporary artists who are involved with Nagano Prefecture, and that are sure to provide all the local residents with encounters with those artists and their works at this site for learning.
In due respect of increasing demands for not only the affluence of materials, but also, the spiritual richness presently, the role of art and culture is increasing in importance as a viable means for enriching our inner selves.
The project "Shinbism" is undertaking that aims to enrich the people’s lives by stimulating imaginative sensibilities, creativity and power of empathy, through daily contact with art and culture. So, I strongly expect this project to be recognized by as many people as possible and thereby broaden the horizons of art and culture.
Nagano Prefecture, having positioned the year 2015 as "the first year for cultural promotion" with an aim to strengthen its cultural promotion policy, is actively promoting such projects as the "Cultural Hall Networking Project","Museum Networking Project" and the "Artists in Residence Project in the Shinshuu Model" etc., by the inception of the “Cultural Promotion Foundation.”
Further, in April 2016, we have had four prominent persons, who have been flourishing actively in their respective field, inaugurated as the directors of Performing Arts, Music, Fine Arts and Production Design. At present there are various shows and concerts proposed and produced by those art directors under the guidance of Mr. Kondo Seiichi, Chief Director of Nagano Prefectural Agency for Cultural Promotion, a General Incorporated Foundation.
This very project "Shinbism" is originated from the idea proposed by Mr. Motoe Kunio, Professor of Tama Art University, who is one of the aforementioned art directors, to the effect that "The best way to materialize museum networking is to build up the impartial relationships between curators in Nagano Prefecture, where there are many museums having only one curator, despite the fact that it has the largest number of museums nationwide."
Hereafter, at the prefectural level, we would like to continue to work on expanding the range of people who enjoy art and culture as well as emphasizing the development of human resources. Furthermore, we wish to promote attractive regional development, making the best use of art and culture, in close cooperation with the people of this region as well as from sponsored corporations, groups and other municipalities.
Thank you for your understanding and continued support.

一般財団法人長野県文化振興事業団 理事長
近藤 誠一
- Aiming to be a leader among prefectures in Japan for the revitalization of Japan through art and culture
Chief Director, Nagano Prefectural Agency for Culture Promotion
Kondo Seiichi
Endowed with an abundance of wonderful nature, Nagano Prefecture has inherited its own affluent history and tradition. And the fact that many artists, such as masters like Higashiyama Kaii, got special artistic inspirations from them, may be well known to you. However, until now, these wonderful cultural resources have not been fully utilized for revitalization of the prefecture’s power and desire for happiness among the inhabitants of Nagano Prefecture.
There are various powers in art and culture. They provide each individual with power to express your inner impressions, to share them with others, and to facilitate our communication. They also provide us with the power to deepen social solidarity by subsuming all people into a society, and to give each individual a reason for living.
Furthermore, it yields a large-scale economic effect. The effect of the induced production that is caused by investment in art and culture activities is far from being inferior to that of public works. The effect enables people to make a solid life, which cannot be represented in figures.
Additionally, it is recently recognized to be true that the variety of art and culture activities, ranging from modern culture such as manga/comics, and animated films, to classic culture such as Nou plays, Bunraku puppet shows and traditional arts and crafts, can enhance the image of Japan.
However, the most important role of art and culture will be not only to liberate us from fixed ideas or stereotypes, but also to provide us all with the wisdom and lessons accumulated and handed down by Japanese since ancient times in the form of cultural assets.
Since my inauguration as Chief Director of the Nagano Prefectural Agency for Cultural Promotion in January 2014, I had borne an earnest wish to create a position of “Art Director” with one who can materialize an idea on site, by inviting somebody who excels in artistic fields, as I myself recognize I am not a creator of art. So, I am happy to say that I set up a group of art directors, who are active players at the front lines in their respective fields such as the performing arts, music, fine arts and production design in April 2016. Now they are working hard together toward the revitalization of cultural activities in the prefecture.
In the meantime, the project referred to as “Shinbism” can be said to be one of very symbolic cross-regional events among art-director group projects, where the curators of 20 art institutions within the prefecture cooperatively work to introduce artists involved in Nagano Prefecture under the direction by Art Director, Mr. Motoe Kunio.
I will endeavor to make every effort to portray Nagano Prefecture, which ranks top in the number of museums among prefectures in Japan, as a model-case prefecture, filled with power borne by art and culture and, where all people realize happiness by continuously deepening coordinated activities among museum, under the direction by our art directors. I will also strive to make this prefecture become a leader for revitalizing Japan through art and culture in mutual cooperation with Nagano Prefectural Government.
Thank you very much for your understanding and continued support.