高橋 広平
Kohei Takahashi
Works & Comment
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I always consider myself egotistical. I either love or hate, and there is no middle ground. I only do things I want to do. This is my style.
Despite this fact, I came upon ptarmigans up in the mountains, and I immediately fell in love. This was a one-way love affair from a human being to ptarmigans, so it was unattainable from the very beginning. After ten years of twisting and turning, I became a photographer who specializes in photographing ptarmigans.
Just by looking at them, I learned a lot about their surroundings and present state, their neighboring plants and animals that rejoice in the joie de vivre. There were people who expressed their fondness of ptarmigans and spend considerable time with them. On the other hand, there were those who were indifferent and even hurt these birds that I deeply love. Those people never reflect on what they did. As someone who has received so many gifts from ptarmigans, I think I am obligated to return their favor to me. “Humans can transform themselves through their encounters and absorbing their newly-gained knowledge.” – these words represent my prayers and wishes. By pursuing my own passion and becoming a photographer, I found opportunities to impart my knowledge of ptarmigans widely to others. Now, I hope a lot more people will learn about ptarmigans. At the same time, I think, if my photographs of ptarmigans can help people “transform themselves,” it would be a great reward to me as a creator of art.
Despite this fact, I came upon ptarmigans up in the mountains, and I immediately fell in love. This was a one-way love affair from a human being to ptarmigans, so it was unattainable from the very beginning. After ten years of twisting and turning, I became a photographer who specializes in photographing ptarmigans.
Just by looking at them, I learned a lot about their surroundings and present state, their neighboring plants and animals that rejoice in the joie de vivre. There were people who expressed their fondness of ptarmigans and spend considerable time with them. On the other hand, there were those who were indifferent and even hurt these birds that I deeply love. Those people never reflect on what they did. As someone who has received so many gifts from ptarmigans, I think I am obligated to return their favor to me. “Humans can transform themselves through their encounters and absorbing their newly-gained knowledge.” – these words represent my prayers and wishes. By pursuing my own passion and becoming a photographer, I found opportunities to impart my knowledge of ptarmigans widely to others. Now, I hope a lot more people will learn about ptarmigans. At the same time, I think, if my photographs of ptarmigans can help people “transform themselves,” it would be a great reward to me as a creator of art.
高橋 広平 Kohei Takahashi
- 1977
- 北海道苫小牧市生まれ
- 1998
- 単身、長野県に移住
- 2006
- 知人の誘いで登山をはじめる
- 2007
- 雷鳥に出会い、一目惚れし独学で写真をはじめる
- 2008
- 雷鳥に近付くために職を辞し、北アルプス山中の山小屋に勤務
- 2013
- SSP日本自然科学写真協会入会
- 2016
- ライチョウサポーター参加開始
- 2017
- 山小屋を退職、写真家として独立、講師などとして活動開始
- 現在
- 「雷鳥とその生態系」というテーマのもと安曇野を拠点に活動中
- 第4回田淵行男賞岳人賞・受賞
- 2014
- SSP日本自然科学写真協会「第35回SSP展」~2017年毎年出品、個展「DAIFUKU」(安曇野高橋節郎記念美術館 南の蔵/安曇野市)
- 2015
- 個展「雷鳥 ~幾万年を紡ぐものたち~」(田淵行男記念館/安曇野市)
企画展【写真家たちの新しい物語】高橋広平写真展「四季を纏う神の鳥 ~雷鳥に魅せられて~」(富士フイルムフォトサロン 東京/東京都)
- 2016
- 常設展(南アルプスユネスコエコパーク井川ビジターセンター/静岡県)
企画展「雷鳥 ~四季を纏う神の鳥~」高橋広平写真展(市立大町山岳博物館/大町市)
初写真集『雷鳥 ~四季を纏う神の鳥~』限定出版
- 2017
- 企画展「雷鳥 小さな愛おしい命」(南アルプス市芦安山岳館/山梨県)
写真集『雷鳥~Messenger from God, who wearing scenery~』出版
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三澤 新弥(安曇野市教育委員会)
A Ptarmigan Sniper - Takahashi Kohei
Takahashi Kohei says that he can distinguish pure white ptarmigans among snow-covered mountains, and also discern the footsteps of ptarmigans from other animals simply by ear. He is a photographer, specializing in photographing ptarmigans, in other words, “a ptarmigan sniper.” In his childhood, Takahashi was good at sketching, so he entered an Art and Craft high school in Hokkaido. But after graduating from high school, he moved to Nagano Prefecture and started to work for a company which had no relationship with art. Then, being fascinated by the high mountains, he fell in love with the ptarmigans inhabiting there at first sight. He continues to pursue photography and chase ptarmigans, based from a mountain hut which he chose as his workplace. Since being awarded a special prize known as Gakujin (the name of the monthly mountain magazine) at the 4th Exhibition of the Tabuchi Yukio Memorial Award in honor of Tabuchi Yukio, a renowned mountain photographer, he continues to hold exhibitions in various venues. His works focus on the mysterious ecology of ptarmigans, which attract the attention of researchers as well.
Misawa Shinya(Azumino-shi Board of Education)
- 住所
- 〒392-0027
- 電話番号
- 0266-52-1217
- 開館時間
- 9:00~17:00
- 閉館日
- 月曜と祝日の翌日休
「シンビズム -信州ミュージアム・ネットワークが選んだ20人の作家たち-」会期中は開館時間、閉館日が通常と異なっております