小野寺 英克
Hidekatsu Onodera

Works & Comment
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I was fascinated by rats which have plump, dense bodies and tails full of tension in the air. That is why I make woodcarvings with themes centered on this creature. As I started to apply hollowing, one of the wood carving techniques of my work, I became interested in rats’ internal structure. One day I dissected a rat to observe what’s inside of its body, but the shapes of its muscles and bones appear to be incompatible with the texture of wood, so I stopped pursuing the beauty of their internal organs. Through these experiences, I found that searching for the difference in mass in the shape of rats by disassembling and reassembling my work, would be my guide in the execution of my future works.
In addition, based on self-examination of my work that has stylized in recent years, I am adopting new techniques of using different materials such as ceramics and so on, to give accent to my woodcarvings. This is how I continue to find new ways to create my works.
In addition, based on self-examination of my work that has stylized in recent years, I am adopting new techniques of using different materials such as ceramics and so on, to give accent to my woodcarvings. This is how I continue to find new ways to create my works.




小野寺 英克 Hidekatsu Onodera
- 1982
- 栃木県小山市生まれ
- 2005
- 信州大学教育学部美術教育分野卒業
- 2006
- 宇都宮大学研究生(〜2007)
- 2009
- 上越教育大学大学院学校教育研究科「美術」修了
- 2010
- 長野県蘇南高等学校講師(〜2015)
- 2015
- 栃木県立益子芳星高等学校講師
- 2006
- 二紀展(第60回)奨励賞
- 2008
- 二紀展(第62回)優賞
- 2010
- 二紀展(第64回)損保ジャパン美術財団奨励賞
- 2012
- 第31回損保ジャパン美術財団選抜奨励展 新作優秀賞
- 2006
- 第60回二紀展奨励賞
- 2008
- 第62回二紀展優賞
- 2010
- 第64回二紀展損保ジャパン美術財団奨励賞
- 2012
- 第31回損保ジャパン美術財団選抜奨励展新作優秀賞
Read in English Text
伊藤 幸穂(木曽町教育委員会)
An Animal Melting into the Sky - A Crouching Rat, with a Distorted Mass
The works of Onodera Hidekatsu rivet viewers’ attention in a matter of seconds. His motif is consistently a rat. Utilizing the enlarged motif of a single rat, a strangely humorous and small animal in real life, he executes his woodcarvings.
After earning his Master degree in art from Shinshu University and attending additional educational institutions, he continued to work on woodcarving while teaching at a high school located in Nagiso-machi and others as a lecturer from 2010 to 2015.
His work entitled “An Animal Melting into the Sky2” (2012) arouses the impression of a rat floating in the sky with its huge curling red tail. For this work, which is real in appearance and powerful in its presence, he was awarded the Excellent Work Award at the “31st Sompo Japan Award Exhibition.” This is the first display of an exhibition that gives the viewers an opportunity to see a series of works by the award-winner since 2007.
After earning his Master degree in art from Shinshu University and attending additional educational institutions, he continued to work on woodcarving while teaching at a high school located in Nagiso-machi and others as a lecturer from 2010 to 2015.
His work entitled “An Animal Melting into the Sky2” (2012) arouses the impression of a rat floating in the sky with its huge curling red tail. For this work, which is real in appearance and powerful in its presence, he was awarded the Excellent Work Award at the “31st Sompo Japan Award Exhibition.” This is the first display of an exhibition that gives the viewers an opportunity to see a series of works by the award-winner since 2007.
Ito Sachiho(Kiso-machi Board of Education)
- 住所
- 〒397-0001
長野県木曽郡 木曽町福島5471-1
- 電話番号
- 0264-23-2033
- 開館時間
- 10:00~17:00
- 閉館日
- 月曜と祝日の翌日休
「シンビズム -信州ミュージアム・ネットワークが選んだ20人の作家たち-」会期中は開館時間、閉館日が通常と異なっております