中村 恭子
Kyoko Nakamura
Works & Comment
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While executing my work entitled “Sawachi-e (painting),” for example, what I intended to paint, firstly, was a whale because I was influenced by the old movie “Moby-Dick or the White Whale.” However, I gave up on the idea of the whale, as I couldn’t paint “Moby-Dick” directly. I even forgot about the whale as the theme of my painting, then started to think about the diet of C. Fourier. Finally, my theme settled on Sawachi Dishes. The view of Sawachi Dishes, which is sorted on a feast-sized plate without any distinction between the appetizer and the main dish, reminds me of a fragment of a piece of something massive. It represents a kind of expectation for the universality of the world which consists of various things. When a feast is in full swing, its purpose is lost into oblivion and the relationship between the host(s) a nd t he g uests b ecomes m eaningless a s d oes the distinction among human beings, food and other living organisms. Though it is difficult to evoke the entire view of a gigantic whale only by savoring one fragmental bite of the delicious food, I can still conjure up the image of a “whale,” lying on a dish for the feast. In this way, I always face such a conundrum between my initial intent and its realization. This problem is never solved but, sometimes, these two things can be made to coexist. This is the secret of creating art.
中村 恭子 Kyoko Nakamura
- 1981
- 長野県諏訪郡下諏訪町生まれ
- 2010
- 東京藝術大学大学院美術研究科日本画研究領域博士課程修了
- 2014
- 東京外国語大学アジア・アフリカ言語文化研究所特任研究員
- 2007
- 中村恭子展「植物的方法」(長野県高森町蘭植物園/高森町)
- 2008
- 中村恭子日本画作品展(サンシャインシティ世界のらん展/東京都)
- 2009
- 中村恭子日本画作品展「生命の解剖学-生きた自然を描く」(数奇和ギャラリー/東京都・滋賀県)
- 2010
- 中村恭子展「生殖の線と百刻みの刑」(ジィオデシックギャラリー/東京都)
銅金裕司・中村恭子展「シルトの岸辺」(Art Space Kimura ASK?/東京都)
- 2012
- 銅金裕司・中村恭子展「精神の経済学」(Art Space Kimura ASK?/東京都)
- 2015
- 口頭発表+展示:中村恭子日本画作品展「人が自然を産み出す話:異質なものの普遍性」(アジア・アフリカ言語文化研究所/東京都)
- 2016
- 中村恭子展「首を擡げたアルシブラ」(Art Space Kimura ASK?/東京都)
- 2017
- 口頭発表+展示:中村恭子「SAWACHI DE MOBY DICK complete」(第11回内部観測研究会、早稲田大学/東京都)
中村恭子皿鉢絵巻展(Art Space Kimura ASK?/東京都)
口頭発表+展示:Nakamura,K.,Gunji,Y-P.,“ Entanglement of'art coefficient', or creativity”( Worlds of Entanglement,the Free University of Brussels/Belgium)
(1) 1772−1837フランスの哲学者、社会思想家
(1) 1772−1837フランスの哲学者、社会思想家
赤羽 義洋(辰野美術館)
An up-and-coming artist, Nakamura Kyoko, who majored in Japanese-style painting, reads widely in the classics of life science, literature and philosophy, and strives for artistic creation through her thinking about the relationship between human beings and other living things. Utilizing her overwhelming graphic descriptive power while rendering juxtaposition of heterogeneous things in her paintings, she addresses the issue of what life is and represents panoramically her view of life in the far future as well.
In her work consisting of fragmented orchids, which represents the pseudo-copulation of bees and orchids, she renders another interpretation of human beings as the monetary force in the socio-economic system. She also lays the tail of a platypus on a human figure in her painting, assimilating it to a “fifth foot” of a future human being. In her picture scroll, fantasies flow out of dishes of “Sawachi Dishes,” which is reminiscent of animation films. In her work, she seems to imply a co-existence of human beings with nature, through other living organisms and the irregularly sliced food that she rendered.
In her work consisting of fragmented orchids, which represents the pseudo-copulation of bees and orchids, she renders another interpretation of human beings as the monetary force in the socio-economic system. She also lays the tail of a platypus on a human figure in her painting, assimilating it to a “fifth foot” of a future human being. In her picture scroll, fantasies flow out of dishes of “Sawachi Dishes,” which is reminiscent of animation films. In her work, she seems to imply a co-existence of human beings with nature, through other living organisms and the irregularly sliced food that she rendered.
Akahane Yoshihiro(Tatsuno Art Museum)
- 住所
- 〒392-0027
- 電話番号
- 0266-52-1217
- 開館時間
- 9:00~17:00
- 閉館日
- 月曜と祝日の翌日休
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