常田 泰由
Yasuyoshi Tokida
Works & Comment
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Whenever I execute my printing, I always begin with small drawings. Looking at shapes of objects around me, including photos, printed matter and so on, I draw simply according to some standards set by myself, such as one-stroke drawings, two-tone lineal drawings and so on. I t takes only a second or so to finish one drawing. My drawings are just like the fragments of daily life, which exists as it is and understanding it is irrelevant. To render finished prints from my drawings, it is necessary to go through several processes such as leaving them for some time, selecting shapes from a plentitude of drawings, making preparation for the woodblocks, and preparing them to be printed in a pressing machine. The distance between the shapes I select, and myself separates farther and farther, according to those processes.
When I maintain a certain distance from shapes, my artwork is completed. Additionally, in my collage works, which I embarked on recent years, shapes of both colored, cut-out paper, and its residue co-exist, but exhibit a certain distance from each other. I think that measuring distance between objects and myself, as well as between one object to another, is the way I execute my art.
When I maintain a certain distance from shapes, my artwork is completed. Additionally, in my collage works, which I embarked on recent years, shapes of both colored, cut-out paper, and its residue co-exist, but exhibit a certain distance from each other. I think that measuring distance between objects and myself, as well as between one object to another, is the way I execute my art.
常田 泰由 Yasuyoshi Tokida
- 1980
- 長野県生まれ
- 2004
- 東京造形大学造形学部絵画専攻卒業
- 2006
- 愛知県立芸術大学大学院美術研究科油絵専攻修了
- 2010
- 東京造形大学非常勤講師(〜2014、2015〜)
- 2015
- 武蔵野美術大学非常勤講師
- 2003
- 第28回全国大学版画展収蔵賞
- 2004
- 第29回全国大学版画展収蔵賞
- 2005
- 第30回全国大学版画展収蔵賞
- 2006
- 愛知県立芸術大学大学院修了制作買上げ
- 2009
- グアンラン国際版画ビエンナーレ(グアンラン美術館/中国)
- 2011
- 「第7回造形現代芸術家展」(東京造形大学附属横山記念マンズー美術館/東京都)
- 2014
- 「4つの窓 長野ゆかりの版画家4人展」(須坂版画美術館/須坂市)
- 2015
- 「上諏訪中学校+常田泰由 かたちをみつけて」(諏訪市美術館/諏訪市)
- 2016
- 「Drawings」(switch point/東京都)
「ZOKEI NEXT 50」(Arts Chiyoda 3331/東京都)
- 2017
- 「collage」(gallery N/愛知県)2013、2011、2008
「Views of Contemporary Japanese Printmaking」(Famagusta Gate/キプロス)
「Poetry of place 場所の醸す詩情」(The Koppel Project/イギリス)
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丸山 綾(諏訪市美術館)
In Search of Shapes - The Prints of Tokida Yasuyoshi
Tokida Yasuyoshi sketches everything around him, out of which he selects “shapes” for his prints.
“Shapes” are utilized as patterns which are rendered on paper. Then the paper with those patterns goes through a pressing machine together with a wooden plate applied with oil-based ink.By utilizing this technique combining woodcut printing with stencils, you see the finished work immediately after the paper passes through the pressing machine. This technique also makes it possible to transform his spontaneous drawings to finished works.
These “Shapes” change in time and process. The form of the original shape disappears, leaving just simplified shapes in his prints. Then finally, only initials representing the title of the work, chosen by the artist, become its true title.
“Shapes” are utilized as patterns which are rendered on paper. Then the paper with those patterns goes through a pressing machine together with a wooden plate applied with oil-based ink.By utilizing this technique combining woodcut printing with stencils, you see the finished work immediately after the paper passes through the pressing machine. This technique also makes it possible to transform his spontaneous drawings to finished works.
These “Shapes” change in time and process. The form of the original shape disappears, leaving just simplified shapes in his prints. Then finally, only initials representing the title of the work, chosen by the artist, become its true title.
Maruyama Aya(Suwa City Museum of Art)
- 住所
- 〒392-0027
- 電話番号
- 0266-52-1217
- 開館時間
- 9:00~17:00
- 閉館日
- 月曜と祝日の翌日休
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